National Commission for De-Notified, Nomadic and
Semi-Nomadic Tribes.30 June, 2008
Comment on Report Vol.1
This report has disgraced us like never before, even the commission’s appointed by Ex P.M. Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee such as Wyankatchalaiya commission to review the constitution or commission appointed by BJP Sena Govt. under the chairmanship of Dada Idhate or recently appointed Bapat commission by Maharashtra Government has also not done it.
The commission says that the men are engaged in thieving and the women are Involved in immoral activities. In regard to this in the report on page no. 100 commission has put forward following thing, which is communities that at one time survived by showing tricks of performing bears, monkey’s, parrots, owls, e.g have suffered a great deal due to the implementation of the act banning the exhibiting of animals. A report in the tribune (2nd Sep, 2001) gave the case of such community in Haryana which was rendered jobless as a consequence of this act. As it was unable to locate an alternative pattern of economic livelihood it became most susceptible to the antisocial elements which started visiting there habitations luring males to crime and women to immoral activites. Put differently the criminalization of the community began ones its traditional life support system broke down. It is also registered that 80% of women from these communities are working as “Barbala” & the reference of “ All India Barbala association” is given for justifying it. In regard to this on page No, 100 the report is Saying that – similarly according to a petition that the president of India Barbala association had submitted to the governer of Maharashtra 15th April, 2005 about 80% Bar girls came from those communities that used to be of traditional Dancers and entertainers in North and South India . At one time dancing & entertaining received patronage from feudal classes. Further on page No. 101 he has continued with – Women are pulled to new jobs in bars, under the garb of which there exploitation occurs. Studies point out that large number of Bar girls are drown from the De-Notified and Nomadic communities of Maharashtra, Andhra pradesh, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Kerala, Haryana and Rajasthan. The worst these girls underwent was when the bars were closed down. Asian tribune ( of 10th May,2005) Reported that the former bar girls were treated as criminals and arrested on charge of prostitution. Now using these references from Newspapers which may or may not be true without crosschecking it or using the reports of any organisation is it a moral thing? In one sense from prior itself these communities are facing a ignominy and again the commission through its report its disgracing them. Tomorrow this write up is going to become an authentic document means as like other historical documents this commission also is making same mistake by disgracing these communities. Before publishing this report the central government should go for removing all the false references used from Newspapers in the report. If this will not take place then there will not be any sort of difference in mentality of the persons who have enacted 1871’s criminal tribes act and this commission. Saying this for a single tribe or for a single women from particular tribe is something different & making allegation on all women of these communities that they are immoral, is notorious. This is the intentional ignominy of these tribes. Instead of holding the editors & electronic media responsible for this ignominy; there is no suggestion made for having any legal action against them. Only a casual recommendation is made that the central & state women commission should contain a women member from this section. Considering all the recommendations made by the commission I would like to fetch your attention on the objectionable recommendations only.
1. Recommendation NO. 3 (page No.106)
Here it is recommended that, to have caste based Census within 6 Months. In yr 1931 the caste based census was conducted. Also in yr 1941 Religion & caste base Census was conducted. After 1950 due to limitations brought by Constitution caste based Census could not be done except for SC & ST category. So wherever these tribes are included already in Sc’s or ST’s there caste based Census is going on. But, if they are not included in SC or ST, how is it possible to count them on the basis of caste? & that too within 6 months! for that there is a necessity for amending constitution by which remaining tribes may be included into STs. Still is it possible to finish this whole procedure within 6 months?
2. Recommendation No. 4. Page No. 106 :-
Here it is Contrariwise situation. In 4th recommendation the population of DNT’s is said roughly 10 – 12 crores. Commission has told for collecting the real information regarding population of DNT’s central govt. should have to take necessary steps in census 2011. Then why it is said that the census of these communities should be done within 6 months in previous recommendation No. 3? Is it not bustling of commission? I want to bring your attention in relation to population worked out by commission of DT, NT & Semi DNT. The commission is highly confounded and distributed the population of DNT’s in 3 different classes.
1. De-notified Tribes who are listed as SC’s and ST’s in various states i.e. De-Notified (SC / ST) since last 50 yrs.
2. Nomadic and semi Nomadic tribes who have been included in the list of SC’s and ST’s i.e. Nomadic (SC / ST)
3. Nomadic tribes which have been included in the list of OBC’s from time to time i.e. Nomadic (OBC).
Accordingly the information regarding to DT or Ex- criminal tribes has been received from 15 different states & the people who are already included in the SC / ST the commission has given the population of them is 1 crores 36 lakhs 5 thousand & 34. Now the question arises here that schedules attached to constitution are not specifying which caste is nomadic and which is De-Notified. The Pre-untouchables were listed out in SC& aboriginal people living in remote jungles’, they were kept in ST. It is not mentioned in the schedule anywhere that from which list they were brought here. Then from where the commission has got this information? Means the estimated population given by commission is fictitious. Whichever the lists may be, whoever might have prepared it, apart from the list of SC & ST no other list of Nomadic De-notified is attached to the constitution.
Commission such as of Kakasaheb kalelkar, Munshi Commission, All India jail Commission, Dr. Antrolikar Commission, D.Semington commission, Loukur commission and justice Wyankatchalaiya commission have not made these calculations before OR this commission feels the requirement of counting the population of these tribes by mathematical method itself is proved by commission that the population of these communities is not available.
All these figures of population are imaginary, illogical & have been presented to protect the self interest. Contrariwise the Ex-criminal tribes list is available from the act of 1871. Tehsil & District wise population break up is being given in the in the book written by K.S. Sing “The Schedule Caste” Vol. 2, Peoples of India Anthropological survey of India 1993, Projects of central government in which total population is available. But commission has not studied it. Because of Prejudiced mindset commission has excluded population of DT’s.
The Government of India accepted some of the recommendations of the Ayyangar committee. It repealed the Criminal Tribes Act with effect from 31st August 1952 by the Criminal Tribes (repeal) Act, 1952(ACT No XXIV of 1952). But to keep effective control over the so-called hardened criminals, Habitual Offenders Act was placed in the statute book.
c) Kalelkar Commission
The first Backward Class Commission was appointed on 29 January 1953 under the Chairmanship of Mr. Kakasaheb Kalelkar. This Commission in paragraph 48 of its report suggested that the erstwhile ‘Criminal Tribes’ should not be called ‘Tribes’ nor should the names ‘Criminal’ or ‘Ex-Criminal’ is attached to them.
So there is no reality in the figure “10 crores” provided by commission. Therefore very irresponsibly the recommendation is suggested that to have Caste based survey in 2011. Besides it in the state where the chairman is living i.e. Maharashtra, Gujarat the DNT’s are in OBC’s. Both of them were subtracted from it. On the page No. 15 in his own book named “Bhatkya Vimuktancha Yelgar Yet Aahe” Mr. Renake had already mentioned that the population of DT is 10, 13, 185 and NT is 3, 50, 705. The total population of DTNT in Maharashtra is 13 lakhs 63 thousand 890 in 1961 is also noted in the same book. Next to it he said, the above mentioned population of DT & NT is around 4% of total population of Maharashtra in 1961. That is why the 4% reservations are kept for these DTS & NT’s by Maharashtra govt. commission entered in its Report that Maharashtra govt. has informed only DT’s population i.e. 65,73.112 & due to unavailability of figures of NT’s population it is not made known to commission.
In chapter 8; information provided by different governments is given. In which the states have provided the figures of population which are all of DTs, because all these figures are noted according to criminal Tribes Act 1871. One more joke is made by commission on page 65.
States such as Punjab, Haryana and Maharashtra have furnished information regarding the political participation of members of De-Notified Nomadic and semi-nomadic communities at levels of panchayat / zilla parishad and state assemblies. In which we can find dishonesty of the commission as they are saying political participation instead of political reservation. It is an impact of RSS over the whole life of chairman.
3. Recommendation NO. 5 :-
For development of DT & NTs the advisory committee can be set-up is suggested in this recommendation. In his book ‘Bhatkya Vimuktancha Yelgaar Yet Aahe’ Mr. Renake has made jesting on these advisory committee on page No.12 under title “’kksHksps lYykxkj eaMG” ‘for only entertainment’ just go through it. You will find enough entertainment. By telling all this I don’t want to waste your time.
4. Recommendation NO. 6 to 19:-
The recommendation “Have a plate, Bowl & jar & wait for meal; It’s on the way” since last 60 yrs we are hearing the same.
5. Recommendation NO. 20 to 26 :-
These all recommendations have been made for the education of DTs & NTs. Though they are not revolutionary but they are like becoming generous at the cost of others. From where the money will be brought is not specified/mentioned anywhere. If these Tribes would be included in SC/ ST they would get Special Component Plan & Tribal Development plan available for Adivasis. From which central, state government and Union Territory can go for allocating financial funds for these tribes in proportionate with their population. Unless this constitutional financial allocation is made for them their welfare schemes could not implemented properly. If this is not done then as like Maharashtra the same situation will be faced by these communities at national level, because wherever they are included in OBC’s in those states, there are no funds allocated for their education & development. Since last 60 yrs it was made possible in regard to these tribes to cheat them by showing only carrot of development. Because of this instead of dealing with their claims, justice or fundamental rights the commission becomes generous & gave pumpkin in hands. It’s a prank on the deprived society.
6. Recommendation NO. 27 to 31 :-
All these recommendations are made in relation with Businesses of the DT & NTs. Here there are recommendations made on household, Domestic & small scale industries. Now the chair person of the commission have crossed the age of 70 yrs. & since last 30 yrs he was not there in the movement he is lagging behind 50 yrs of the modern world. The world is changing very fastly. There is nothing found modern in this report. This whole community is Outside of the Agro-industrial society. It is segregated from main stream since 60 yrs. It is a need to bring them in main stream; but through which support? Their caste based professions have already been outmoded. A ‘Vaidu’ selling herbals has came out from his traditional business since so long. He has come out from the psyche of caste based village. Today No ‘Laman’ is selling salt by wondering on the back of cows. No carn-bin can be sold out by Kaikadi. Plastic has been replaced the twing’s basket. So how the economical level will increase by keeping them in their own traditional businesses? Under the ‘Yashaswini’ campaign of YBC centre the “Sujata Commercials” SHG of women from “Kolhati-Dombari” community was established. Today the women from these communities instead of moving to folk dances of going for working as sundry & being engaged in scavenging work are busy in domestic businesses. The YBC centre has provided tools for them. Market like ‘Big Bazaar’ is made available. Now these women are fighting there in the competitive world and had received biggest order of petticoats which they are completing. They should reach their in the modern system of market. There is no any recommendation made by commission in regard to modern market. Keep the beggars as they are. Do not show them even dreams. This is RSS Programme. But in this the recommendation of women SHG & helping them by financial aid is found to be a good one.
7. Recommendation NO. 34 :-
Preparation of separate sub plan is the suggestion given in this. Once again I would like to fetch your attention towards the figures of population. The total population of DT & NT is 10, 74, 50, 018 is mentioned in the report. Out of which 5, 85, 64, 092 is included already in SCs & STs. Means the population of NT (OBC) 4, 88, 85, 226 is totally estimated population it has no any kind of evidence. So this factious figure should be reduced from 10, 74, 50,018 and if remaining 5, 85, 64,092 population is already there in SC & ST. then this 100% population is readily there in SC & ST. Then for whom this separate sub plan should be made? This recommendation given by commission is misguiding to government as well as people also.
8. Recommendation No. 35 & 36 :-
For DT & NT separate finance Development Corporation is to be established by state government and it should be from general budget of state. This corporation is getting financial assistance from National Backward class finance Development Corporation. But this support has no constitutional provision. Therefore there is no binding on central & State government for allocation of financial aid to this corporation. And then instead becoming this as fundamental rights it remains on the will of rulers & for these people it remains back on the alms of the rulers; unless & until these DT & NT communities should include in the list of SC & ST. It’s not possible to make sub-plan or component plan or finance Development Corporation. The commission is frequently suggesting that to provide like SC /ST. Then why it is saying likewise. If they are completing all the tests of untouchables & indigenous then why not commission directly recommend that they should be added up in to SC & ST schedule which is more correct & justifiable.
9. In 37th recommendation, from last 50 years Maharashtra Govt. have designed different developmental schemes for de-Notified and Nomadic tribes, as considering them a separate target group. Shivsena and BJP had a separate minister for them but then also they didn’t get any kind of separate system, like separate ministry, separate budget, separate social welfare officer, or separate block development officer, etc. How it will be possible to create a separate ministry? Because they don’t have constitutional safeguards and there is no allocation made in constitution for them. Though it is accepted that the politicians are honestly willing to do it, how these all systems which are suggested by a commission will come in to existence? But the commission pretends the madness to gain selfish end. That’s why commission is biased; commission has already decided the target and then has started writing this report. So that, this is nothing but a cheating to the nation.
10. Recommendation NO. 38 to 43 :-
Let us applause, Shahu, Phule, Dr. Ambedkar all were ignorant, Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil have not done any work , from Vitthal Ramaji Shinde to Sharad Pawar everyone is clumsy! You are always telling us to be ahead of 21st century, clap your hands, but here, this commission is taking us way behind in the 21st century BC. It gives us a message that each person has to follow and has to live in his own tradition and should not come out from that in Marathi it has been told in one line that, “ Thevile Anante Taisechi Rahave, chittti Aasu Dyave Samadhan,” Gondhali singing his kavan (song)Let’s clap! Those who were grazing donkeys they have to go for it, those who were rearing the pigs they should do it, and women who were dancing --- they should; those who were playing snakes they have to continue with it. Those who were playing with bears they should do it, those who were telling fortune of others they should not think about their future, the people who were begging they should continue with it, those who were selling herbals, they should sell those, those who were wandering with the camels they should wander, those who are making raw liquor they have to do it, those who are involved in thieving they should go for thieving. That’s there pleasure, Kolhatis, dombaries, Gopal & Darveshi’s all of them should continue with their traditional occupation. So, come on and clap again! Like this, jokes and jokes are here in the report. I read about the mobile van and got satisfaction, because, I also took birth by the side of road. At least now in 21st century if women from these communities are giving birth to child by using facility of mobile van to deliver a child, then it is good and this was my honest impression. I was so happy for this purpose. I thought it’s good that the commission is very kind hearted and sympathetic, at least for this, the commission has taken a revolutionary step! But alas! We are very unfortunate; this commission is not at all caring for our mothers and sisters. The animals which we are rearing are more important for them and the mobile van was for the animals only. At the same time commission has suggested to have a Veterinary doctor also in the van. Alas! Alas! We are very sorry Renake Maharaj! We haven’t seen in whole world a person like you. Now very seriously, this commission and its recommendation are childish. This commission is reactionary, fundamentalist and jesting to a poor man. Government has made some progressive laws regarding animals. Keeping Snakes, playing with them is a crime by law. Rearing a bear and earning their livelihood is also a crime by low. To come out form the burden of superstitions government should purchase all the animals from all these communities and those animals should be released in deep forests and there should be a revolutionary rehabilitation of De-Notified and nomadic communities, they should have mixed settlements. Caste wise occupations hold them in slavery and they are again and again falling down in the hell. If you want to provide Hospitals & mobile vans; provide it for human beings instead of for horses & donkeys. We are ready to leave our horses, donkeys, pigs and dogs at the door of the commission. We are moving towards, light for removing historical dark night, tie the animals at the door of commission and send all children in residential schools, Honestly telling we want to come out from this hell & this commission wants us to throw back in hell.
11. Recommendation NO. 44 to 50 :-
Two important issues are there, commission has suggested that De-Notified & nomadic tribes are not having social security. For getting protection from police administration & anti social elements it is essential to apply provisions of Atrocities act to these communities. We think pity for commission. It is the first time for which such commission for nomadic & De-Notified tribes was established. It was really a golden opportunity. But Balkrishna Renake has destroyed utterly this opportunity. The things which common persons could understood, should be understood by commission? Atrocities act is applicable only for SC’s & ST’s. It is not applicable for others e. g. In vidarbha Kaikadies are in SC,s so they get this act’s protection, but apart from vidarbha in rest of Maharashtra they could not get protection of this act. In vidarbha & Khandesh paradhis get protection of this act, means paradhis in Nasik get protection of this but pardhis of Ahemadnagar do not get it. From last 50 yrs we are appealing / demanding to give us protection of this act, we are always exploited by social system. Commission in above all recommendations is saying to apply Atrocities act to all these communities. Now by doing amendment in constitution to include these communities in SC & STs, without which it is not possible to apply Atrocities act to them.
Commissions another problem in knowledge is in regard to general knowledge, commission in one recommendation is saying that police are doing exploitation of these people as they are by birth criminals. The Stigma of criminality is attached to them because of criminal tribes’ act 1871. For abolishing this stigma the central govt. should go for cancelling this act. This means how much horrible situation is there in regard to knowledge of history. Commission has not studied properly on these issues. In yr. 1950 our country had accepted Indian constitution & on 31st Aug 1952 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar as low minister had put forward a bill of cancellation of criminal Tribes act, 1871 in parliament which was sanctioned unanimously. Simultaneously the first P.M. of our country Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in Solapur had gone for breaking the fences of the settlements, by which De-notified communities were freed from stigma of criminality, If this history is not known to such person or either purposefully he might not have read his report or not , or whatever it may be, this commission is stigma on us, as this commission has gone for disgracing our communities.
12. Recommendation NO. 53 :-
It is related with this societies very important and core problem. As per criminal tribes act, 1871 in all over India de-notified tribes were settled in different settlement areas. This criminal tribes act, was enacted and applied by British govt. in all over India. Because of that, now we can’t add up new tribes in these lists. All these tribes were notified and also the departments were controlled by the act. All over India the govt. had established settlements for these tribes. All these settlements were fenced and were like open jails. Information of number of these communities & there population is available. As per this excluding 3-4 states like Maharashtra, Gujarat and Tamilnadu in rest of country nearly about 90 to 95% states have included these communities in SC’s & ST’s . Those states who have included them in OBC, that means 3-4 states should go for including these communities in ST,which will be very much justifiable & reliable. For this, there is no need for constitutional amendment. Now the question remains of nomadic tribes. In this country nobody has done study on Nomadic tribes & also no separate commission was set up for them. Wherever they were fulfilling the criteria of untouchables they were included in those states under SCs & those who were fulfilling the criteria of STs were included under ST’s such Nomadic Tribes population given buy commission is 4 cores 49 lakhs 59 thousand & 58. Means in those states were those communities are included under OBC’s only there problem remains in & such states are Maharashtra, Gujarat & Tamilnadu were they are under OBCs. As the rate of intrusion in these communities is very high which is really a serious issue in regard to these communities. These nomadic tribes may be divided in to three groups in which those fulfilling the criteria of untouchables may be one group, those fulfilling the criteria of untouchable tribes & those fulfilling criteria of OBC’s. The criteria for SC & ST are constitutional. By using all these criteria’s we can go for preparing three lists of these communities. i.eVaidus who are selling herbals are fulfilling criteria of ST, while communities like Kolhati, Wadar, Kaikadi, Laman, Banjara, Pardhi who are eating inedible things are fulfilling both criteria of SCs & STs. As they are eating inedible things they are SC and as they live in forests they are ST. In this one more important aspect has to be taken into consideration, of those communities who are not part of village system, barter system, who are not related with agrarian society, who are not having houses and who live in forests & come intermittently to villages for earning livelihood. These may be called as food gatherer Nomads. These all are hundred percently fulfilling criteria of ST’s. They are also called as Beggars. The third group is related with village system. They live in villages, they are having there houses in the middle of villages and also they are part of village system. They are engaged as priests for worshipping gods and goddesses. e.g. Gondhali community, in which Renurai gondhali is performing Goddess Renuka’s Gondhal, with this only the process of marriage is completed. Because of this even if Gondhali are poor, they are having identity as priests in village system. Except Brahmins all are bowing down, giving donations, and also are treating them respectfully, so they are not untouchables & also not tribles. They are not going for begging in Mahar & Mang communities. Because of this the question of including them in SCs and STs could not arise. The President of this commission Mr. Balkrishna Renake is from same community it might be because of which he is not ready to go in the list of untouchables & tribles. The reason behind is that he is having upper class mentality. He was and is treating untouchables as low castes. So his community could not be included in SC & ST. Because of which he is telling to prepare third schedule of “schedule communities” by amending constitution. What is the reason behind it? There is no need for amending constitution; it is the matter of only 3-4 states where they have to be included in SCs and STs. So for these states internal changes is a very easy way rather than to go for amending constitution. So there is no need for amending constitution. The demanding of this is completely political and those who are demanding this are very well aware that they are neither untouchable nor are tribal’s. Firstly, it was demanded by BJP. Dhangar, Vanjari communities are the communities of village system. Some time before they were ruling communities. For them the criteria of untouchables & tribal’s is not applicable. So they should be included only in OBC s. previously they were included in OBCs itself. It was Mandal Commission because of whom Dhangar & Vanjari communities were attached with 14 De-notified communities & 28 nomadic communities. But in reality they are not untouchables & tribles so BJP, RSS are demanding for 3rd schedule. Renake was member of Dada Idhate commission who is the person of RSS mentality so because of it he is demanding to go for amending constitution which is not possible. For amending constitution 2/3rd majority is required which nobody is having and also in next 10-12 yrs it will not be possible. So why to show carrot of amending constitution which is not possible; preparing third schedule is going to create problems for original SCs. Now, one another question commission has put forward in this recommendation, which is very much dangerous. It may create problems of law & order in all states. Commission is saying that the Nomadic & De-notified tribes which are included from last 50 yrs in SCs & STs as well as in OBCs should be removed & separate third schedule has to be prepared. Means we can say for 5%, 10% people 90% people are to be hanged. That means commission is saying if headache is there go for breaking head. By talking Anacin we can stop headache. If this recommendation is accepted then in all over county many problems in low & order may be created. Neither central nor state govt. will go for doing such foolish business. So both these recommendation are going to affect not only Nomadic & De-notified tribes but also are going to affect scheduled castes, tribes & Nomadic Tribes.
From last 40-50 yrs we are demanding to include these communities in SC’s and ST’s, which has to be done only in 3 to 4 states, instead of this, commission is suggesting to exclude the communities which are included in SC’s, ST’s & OBC’s and to form a third schedule. If Moraraji Desai, Balasaheb Kher, G. D. Tapase would have not been there as ruling politicians these nomadic and De-Notified tribes would have been included in SC’s and ST’s in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Karnataka. During the publication ceremony of “Band Darwaja”, Late Yashwantraoji Chavan had uttered that these communities are left aside. This speech is also available. For last 50 yrs, we are suffering because of the mistake done by these ruling politicians. we can’t find any relevance in the work of commission, In above recommendation commission is saying that DNT should be removed from lists of SC’s, ST’s & OBC’s & in next recommendation it is saying that in those states where one community is included in three lists, then in such cases by removing area restrictions they should be included in SC’s & ST’s. Means, what to do exactly? Should we go for excluding them from SC,ST? or removing area restriction? If one caste in one state, is in SC/ST, then it must be in SC, ST in entire state, if, such recommendation in just one line would have been made then the problems of all SC & ST’s would get solved & also the wrong people may not get included in these lists, as well as the wrong people who are there in these lists may be included in OBC’s which would also give them justice. But the recommendations of commission are like as ‘fHkd udks i.k dq=k vkoj’. So they should not be accepted. Because of these not only in state but in whole country unrest will take place. e.g Matang community in Maharashtra from 1871 to 1951 was in criminal tribes but now they are in SC. Meena community in Rajasthan was with us in criminal tribes now it is in ST. Birsa munda’s munda community previously was in criminal tribes. Kolam, Koraku, santhal, Bhilla, Pardhi all these tribes previously were in criminal tribes but now are in ST. If we accept the commission’s recommendations then all these criminal tribes should be excluded from the list. Kaikadi community in 15 states is in SC or ST. Andhra, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Karnataka in all these southern states Kaikadi are identified with names as Kaikadi, korva, kunch korava, yerkula these are in SC, or ST’s. When Late Yashwantrao Chavan were President of 8th finance commission, at that time with him I had visited settlements from Tamilnadu, Aandhra Pradesh,& Karnataka. Umaji Naiks Ramoshi community in Andhra & Karnataka is in ST. But previously it was in criminal tribes. All these & from Maharashtra 42 Nomadic De-notified tribes which are in OBC’s are to be removed & included in third schedule this type of recommendation could be made by only reckless / mad person. 1871’s criminal tribes act was applicable for all states in country. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru himself was against this law & has suggested in solapur while breaking fences of settlements that, to include these criminal tribes in SC ST’s in respective states & should go for preparing separate sub plan for them. While talking in relation with people from criminal tribes Panditji had told that they will get benefits of SC, ST but by providing only this will not be sufficient because if parrot in a cage will be released he comes again & sits on the cage. By only breaking the fences will not work as there are chances that because of habit they can again get involved in criminal activities, so if such situation has not to occur again then for them separate sub plan has to be prepared. Central & state govt. has to implement this sub plan with special case for these communities & should go for their rehabilitation. Even though such clear suggestions were given, then also in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamilnadu states, many loopholes were founded & instead of forming separate sub plan, Maharashtra govt. had set up/ established Thade commission, This commission had done Bench mark survey. Moraraji Desai, Balasaheb Kher, & G.D.Tapase by taking help of Thade commission’s Report had removed criminal tribes from SC’s, ST’s & had attached Begging Nomadic Tribes within list of de-notified tribes & for them 4% reservation was kept in public employment. When Moraraji became Prime Minister at that time this commissions President Mr. Balkrishna Renake with delegation had gone to meet him. At that time Renake was with Janata Party. He had told Morarji that we are the people from Nomadic Tribes. We should be included in SC’s, ST’s. During that time Morarji Desai had told them who asked you to wander? & why you are wandering? Settle yourselves. The person who was sitting on the chair of Prime minister was very well aware about the issue of Nomadic & De-notified tribes. Morarji said, “Those who already have died, why to awake them? When they will get aware almost 5 to 50 yrs might have passed.” The fortune which he told was so true! That Government has appointed Mr. Renake as a president of such commission. Morarji was such a great visionary person. Now Morarji is not alive but we have very sensitive Prime Minister like Dr. Manmohan singh. And from last 30-35 yrs under your great leadership this community is organised. Now we are Buddhist and because of that not only from nation but from whole world there is increase in number of friends. So, now we request you to lead this movement and use your strengths to include us in SC’s and ST’s.
Laxman Mane
1 टिप्पणी:
Dear Laxmanjee,
I really appreciate your comments on the report volume -I. I am professor and director of the Centre for study of social exclusion & inclusive policy at SNDT women's university and would like to have more information abou the issues of DT/NT. I would also like to invite you for a deliberation on DT/NT. Kindly send your contact information.
Dr. Chandrakant Puri
टिप्पणी पोस्ट करा